Archives for posts with tag: Boston finest

10/18/2013 interviewed Donnie Wahlberg when he stopped in town to shoot Boston Finest second season promotion commercial. You can read the interview here. Also we leave you a picture of Donnie at the editing room of Boston Finest (picture courtesy of Donnie via twitter).

boston finest

Don´t miss Donnie Wahlberg´s promo commercial of Boston Finest season 2, video courtesy of TNT. Here you have some screen captures.

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Donnie Wahlberg talks with and Boston Globe about Boston Finest.

Donnie Wahlberg did a few video interviews last week. Watch them below:

Fox 25 Boston

The Morning Blend

KSEE 24 News (Fresno)

Fox Philadelphia

K 13 Fox News (Seattle)

Am Northwest

Fox LA

Fox 5 San Diego

The premiere of Donnie Wahlberg´s new TV serie, “Boston Finest” has had lot of repercussion on the media, here you can read some reports about it:,,, Boston Herald and Boston Magazine.

You can read a good article about Boston Finest from Boston Herald by clicking here. Watch a video of Donnie Wahlberg at the premiere of Boston Finest here and a video interview about it from Multichannel News here.


Click here to watch a video (Boston Globe) from Donnie Wahlberg’s Boston Finest premiere. And another video from the Q&A can been seen here. Eurweb has posted a great article that includes an audio interview with Donnie and a video preview of the first 5 minutes of Boston Finest. Donnie’s oldest son Xavier attended the premiere with him:


Also here you have more pictures.


Click here to watch a video from NECN of the premiere yesterday of Boston Finest with Donnie Wahlberg in Boston and click here to watch a behind the scenes video (ET Online) from Donnie talking about his brother in jail. You can also read another article from Boston Magazine here.


Donnie Wahlberg attended yesterday to the Revere Hotel in Boston for his New TV serie Boston Finest Premiere. You can read some articles about it here:, and watch an exclusive Behind the scenes video from  examiner. Also here you have some pictures of the event: